Plant Care Guide

Care Guide: Ludwigia Super Red

Care Guide: Ludwigia Super Red

Ludwigia Super Red, also known as Ludwigia sp. 'Rubin', is a vibrant and popular aquatic plant in the hobbyist community. Its striking red coloration makes it a standout choice for...

Care Guide: Ludwigia Super Red

Ludwigia Super Red, also known as Ludwigia sp. 'Rubin', is a vibrant and popular aquatic plant in the hobbyist community. Its striking red coloration makes it a standout choice for...

Car Guide: Rotala Wallichii

Car Guide: Rotala Wallichii

What is Rotala Wallichii and why is it so popular? Rotala Wallichii, scientifically known as Rotala wallichii, is a stunning aquatic plant that has gained immense popularity among aquarium enthusiasts....

Car Guide: Rotala Wallichii

What is Rotala Wallichii and why is it so popular? Rotala Wallichii, scientifically known as Rotala wallichii, is a stunning aquatic plant that has gained immense popularity among aquarium enthusiasts....

Care Guide: Rotala H'ra

Care Guide: Rotala H'ra

Rotala H'ra, also known as Rotala sp. 'H'ra', is a beautiful and vibrant aquatic plant that can add a splash of color to any aquarium. In this care guide, we...

Care Guide: Rotala H'ra

Rotala H'ra, also known as Rotala sp. 'H'ra', is a beautiful and vibrant aquatic plant that can add a splash of color to any aquarium. In this care guide, we...

Anubias Coin Leaf Care Guide

Anubias Coin Leaf Care Guide

Anubias Coin Leaf, scientifically known as Anubias barteri var. nana 'Coin Leaf', is a popular aquatic plant among aquarium enthusiasts. Its unique coin-shaped leaves and hardy nature make it an...

Anubias Coin Leaf Care Guide

Anubias Coin Leaf, scientifically known as Anubias barteri var. nana 'Coin Leaf', is a popular aquatic plant among aquarium enthusiasts. Its unique coin-shaped leaves and hardy nature make it an...

Care Guide: Limnophila Hippuridoides Aromatica

Care Guide: Limnophila Hippuridoides Aromatica

Are you looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your aquarium? Look no further than Limnophila Hippuridoides Aromatica. This aquatic plant, also known as Hippuroides Aromatica, is...

Care Guide: Limnophila Hippuridoides Aromatica

Are you looking to add a touch of elegance and beauty to your aquarium? Look no further than Limnophila Hippuridoides Aromatica. This aquatic plant, also known as Hippuroides Aromatica, is...

Ammannia pedicellata  / Golden Nesaea Care Guide

Ammannia pedicellata / Golden Nesaea Care Guide

Ammannia pedicellata, commonly known as Golden Nesaea, is a beautiful aquatic plant that can add a vibrant touch to any aquarium. With its golden leaves and delicate appearance, it is...

Ammannia pedicellata / Golden Nesaea Care Guide

Ammannia pedicellata, commonly known as Golden Nesaea, is a beautiful aquatic plant that can add a vibrant touch to any aquarium. With its golden leaves and delicate appearance, it is...