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Pogostemon erectus is a very striking plant with coniferous leaves that almost looks like a Christmas tree in your aquarium. Originally collected from the state of Maharashtra in western India, although fairly new to the hobby, it has exploded in popularity in Europe and North America due to its distinctive appearance, bright green color even in high light, and predictable upright growth habit. It used to be confused with Rotala verticillans because of the similarities in their borne forms, but the two are very different plants at birth. Compared to its relative Pogostemno stellatus, this plant is slightly narrower and its leaves appear "sharper". It is suitable for the background, although (like almost all stem designs) it is a bit short due to strong lighting, making it suitable for mid-range or even foreground of high-tech tanks. It is quite a striking plant and makes a great focal point in a waterscape. Pogostemnon erectus looks best if it is pruned frequently as it promotes bushy growth. After cutting, buds appear near the cut, and where there was only one before, several different shoots are born. Therefore, this plant is quite easy to grow into a thick, lush bush that is an absolute sight. It's a great addition to tanks with red plants as its distinctive green hue creates quite a dramatic contrast and can really help make your aquarium much more colorful! Some evidence suggests that this plant does not like very rough water, although it occurs naturally in brackish water environments, suggesting that it is quite adaptable and can adapt to most water conditions. However, this plant is easiest to grow in moderately soft water (most city tap water is fine). Pogostemnon erectus is an excellent root feeder - like all aquatic plants, it can extract nutrients from the water column, but prefers to obtain many nutrients from the substrate. That is why we recommend using a fertile substrate or supplementing it with root strips. This plant really comes alive when it's in rich soil, which can help it adapt and thrive even in less-than-ideal situations, like very rough water. Although not absolutely necessary, adding CO2 is highly recommended to get the most out of this plant. As with all aquatic and terrestrial plants, the lack of CO2 can be detrimental to oxygen. Moderate to strong lighting is also recommended. The stronger the lighting, the denser this plant grows. It also lasts quite a while under bright light. Pogostemnon erectus can certainly be grown in low tech tanks - especially Walstad type systems with a very rich substrate that can replace or at least alleviate some of the low CO2 problems. Like almost all plants on our list, Pogostemno erectus can be grown in marshes and habitats. It takes on a much more compact growth form closer to the ground and produces quite complex flowers..